With summer in full swing and temperatures at their highest point of the year, your air conditioning system is working hard at keeping your home cool. In the state of Pennsylvania and many other parts of the country, your unit is likely running constantly to reach and maintain your ideal indoor temperature, and possibly falling short. This nonstop rush of air can use a lot of energy and rack up a hefty utility bill. In comparison, a ductless air conditioning system will not only cool your house more efficiently, but can also help you save money and conserve energy on these hot summer days.
Ductless AC systems are quickly gaining traction in the United States due to their many financial and environmental benefits. Unlike a traditional air conditioning system that has a main central air unit in an outdoor location and is required to push all of the air throughout the house, a Mitsubishi® ductless unit mounts a unit in every room, each with its own fan and evaporator coil inside. This allows rooms to be cooled individually, and with better accuracy and consistency.
Ductless AC is Energy Efficient
Traditional cooling systems use ducts to transport and deliver the cold air from the central air conditioning unit that is housed outside. With this kind of system, it is not uncommon for rooms closer to the air conditioning unit to be colder than rooms farther away, since the cold air has less distance to travel. Depending on where in the house the thermostat is located, this can lead the air conditioner to run constantly to attempt to cool the house and reach the programmed temperature.
With ductless air conditioning, the unit and thermostat are right inside the room that it is cooling. As a result, there is less wasted energy trying to force the cold air into rooms all over the house. Additionally, a Mitsubishi ductless air conditioning unit has inverter-compressor technology that allows the unit to increase or decrease the output based on the variables of the individual room. This conserves energy since the unit will not be running at full speed constantly to cool the room.
Ductless Air Conditioning Units Provide Constant Comfort
Since there is no main thermostat dictating the temperature in each of the rooms, the ductless air conditioning units can use innovative technology to monitor conditions in each room and adjust the air flow accordingly. Each Mitsubishi ductless unit comes equipped with a 3D i-See sensor that analyzes heat signatures of any people in the room, and adjusts the thermostat and air output accordingly. This helps keep each room at its ideal temperature, and eliminates hot and cold spots throughout the house that are typically common with traditional air conditioning.
Each unit is also equipped to adjust the air flow based on zoned monitoring and INVERTER technology. Zoned monitoring allows each ductless air conditioning unit to measure the return air in the given room and adjust the output automatically. The INVERTER technology keeps the unit from constantly turning on and off when the desired temperature is reached or the room heats up too much. Instead, this technology adjusts the unit to work harder or back off, depending on how close the thermostat reading is to the desired temperature. These features keep all rooms constantly and consistently at the ideal temperature for that space.
Ductless Units Have Many Financial Benefits
Ductless air conditioning units are ENERGY STAR qualified. Products with the ENERGY STAR label, such as these ductless units, have been independently certified to conserve energy without compromising on quality or functionality. Since the mission of this Environmental Protection Agency volunteer program is to reduce energy consumption to protect the environment, there are rebates and tax credits available for purchasing and using some ENERGY STAR products. You are also likely to notice monthly savings in your energy bill since you will be using less energy, but more efficiently.
You Have Control Over the Temperature in Each Room
Instead of air blowing into every room at a set temperature for the entire house like traditional central air conditioning, ductless AC units allow you to achieve different temperatures in different rooms within the house. You might prefer cooler temperatures in the bedrooms than the common living areas, or to keep the baby’s nursery a few degrees warmer for safer and more comfortable sleeping. This level of control is easy to attain with ductless air conditioning.
Ductless Units Can be Controlled with Wireless Devices
Mitsubishi® ductless HVAC units can be connected to your Smartphone via the Kumo Cloud, a digital platform that gives you wireless control of the units in your house. With this mobile app and web service, you can remotely set temperatures for different rooms, turn the units on or off, or set a program for the different zones or units. The platform allows you to determine the fan speed and the vent, and provides information on the status of the filter. Additionally, you can set reminders for yourself to check and clean the filters to keep the units performing optimally. You can connect up to 16 different devices to your ductless air conditioning system, allowing you to manage your settings and preferences with nearly any device.
Better Air Quality with Ductless Air Conditioning
Mitsubishi ductless cooling systems provide superior air quality. The multi-stage filtration technology catches and eliminates contaminants that are known to instigate allergy or asthma symptoms. The filters also trap germs to reduce the spread of illnesses, and provide cleaner air. In addition to reducing irritants in the air, these filters are equipped with a platinum deodorizing filter. Odors are absorbed into the filter and neutralized, leaving rooms free of strong smells. This is especially helpful for those who are sensitive to odors. Additionally, the filters are washable and can last for up to 10 years!
Ductless AC Units are Whisper Quiet
If you currently have a traditional central air conditioning system with ductwork, you know that it can be quite noisy. Not only does the main outdoor unit run at an average low level of 58 decibels, the equivalent of restaurant conversation, but you can also hear it turning on and off throughout the day as it works to get the house to the temperature programmed on the thermostat. Vibration dampeners and an insulated compressor compartment allow the Mitsubishi ductless air conditioning units to run at about 19 decibels, which is less than the volume of a quiet whisper. Since there are no large fans needed to push the air around the entire house through the ductwork as required by traditional air conditioning systems, the ductless units can operate much more quietly.
Due to its many benefits, the installation of ductless ACs is on the rise in all parts of the country, including the greater Pittsburgh region. These units can conserve energy use, save you money, and keep every room in your house at the ideal temperature. If you are ready to make the switch to ductless air conditioning, Armstrong Comfort Solutions can install the system for you, as well as provide service and repairs if needed. Don’t go another summer with an expensive energy bill and inconsistent temperatures throughout your house. Invest in ductless air conditioning and enjoy a more comfortable home environment and some extra money in your wallet!